North Scott 8th Grade Formal
Please excuse as I cry profusely over my keyboard. My baby sister is so incredibly grown up, which is simultaneously the worst & the best.

Isn't she stunning? I don't know how this happened. I will spare you more of my sob story & allow you to peek through some of the highlights of Madison & her crew. She's got such an amazing group of people surrounding her. I'm really pleased for this beautiful young lady & the future she has before her.

Madison & her bestie, Lily, spent the afternoon with me getting dolled up. I realize now in hindsight I should have also drug my camera along to that adventure. These two are so stinkin' silly around each other.

What a good looking group of almost-highschoolers! It's just crazy how time flies. Love you, Baby Girl. Thanks for letting me be a part of your big day.